Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Post Graduate Program of the University of Prof.Dr.Moestopo (Beragama) or UPDM(B)’s webpage. I was given the honor of becoming the Graduate program’s third Director in November of 2011, and I eagerly embraced the opportunity to lead this vigorous graduate program into a whole new era of growth and accomplishment.
Sambutan Direktur Program Pasca Sarjana
To me, this Graduate Program is best described to be “the school with green touch”as the study programs of Master of Science in Management (MM Program), of Master of Public in Administration and Public Policy (MAP Program), as well as, of Master in Science in Communication (MIKom Program) also have their own new concentration programs related to creating “green leaders” curriculum to anticipate environmental related problems being faced nowdays and in the future.
In Moestopo’s University of this post graduate program, Its student population is steadly growing in number nowdays which is among others because of new concentrations offered that fulfill stake holders’s need in addition to the uniqueness of “beragama” or religious and “wawasan kebangsaan” or national outlook it has in its vision .
In the coming years to come, we are going to open International classes, and Doctoral Programs, and we are in a preparation toward achieving that goals.
All of our students are served by a full-time graduate program of dedicated men and women who are known for their high scholarly accomplishments and excellence in teaching.
Research Activities involving students together with lecturers are available and are strongly expected for the advancement of teaching and doing research. Recently established partnerships in doing research has opened up whole new vistas of opportunity to our lecturers and student researchers who want to work in their own areas of study program and concentration.
Welcome and I look forward to working with our graduate students, lecturers, staff, alumni and friends in developing and advancing this graduate program as we take it to even greater heights in the years ahead.
Director of Post Graduate Program